Prepping For Professionals
If you own a horse, you are quite likely going to have someone to see it. Be that a farrier, vet, body worker, saddle fitter etc. These are equine professionals who see horses day in and day out, and often are in hot demand.
Want to stay on the good side of your equine professionals? Heres my advice on how to keep everyone happy and get the best out of your services.
1. Be on time. This is a biggie! These people have a lot to get through in a day, they can't afford to be waiting around for you to catch your horse from the back paddock or being half an hour late because you had to stop for a snack. One delay snowballs into a long day quickly.
2. Be ready. Have your horse caught and in the appropriate place at least 5 minutes before your appointment. This gives your horse a chance to relax, and you can clean off any mud, pick out feet before the farrier comes etc. If you have a tack fitting, make sure your tack is on hand, clean and ready.
3. Pay on time. Honestly, do I need to elaborate?
4. Be attentive. If your farrier suggests treating the seedy toe, treat it. If the physio gives you stretches to do, do them. They aren't saying it because it sounds fun, they care about your horses well being and want to help you.
5. Educate your horse. It's not your farriers job to teach your horse to stand for shoeing. Likewise it is not ok for your horse to push, stand on, bite or front foot people. Polite horses are so much nicer to work with and will keep your professionals coming back.
6. Be polite and respectful. Equine professionals spend a huge amount of time crafting their profession. Studying, training and keeping up with their skills and that is after they become good at their job. Coming at them with things like "my instructor said that's wrong" is quite frankly annoying. By all means ask questions, but don't be demanding, respect their time.
7. Book in advance, and be regular. Don't decide on a Friday that your horse urgently needs shoeing for Sunday or wait until your horse is a tight sore mess for bodywork. Keep to a schedule as much as you possibly can. Prevention is better than cure!
Our equine professionals are under valued and often don't charge enough for their skill. Don't be one of the people that make them question their life choices!